I have earlier asked if you can get too many sweaters. The answer was no. I'm asking again: Can you get too many hats? In a Norwegian podcast, Marthe & Marthe they talked about hats. Shapes, decreases and how many hats one of them had at home. She had 7 or 8 hats, I think. By the way, they have an instagram give away going on, take a picture of your hat and tag it with #ullpåtoppen , which means woolly at the top. My drawer with hats, shawls and mittens is full. It pops out every time I open it. I figured I should tidy it and make a count. I dragged out everything and sorted in piles, one pile for everything I used and one pile for give away. The last pile ended up being about two hats and a cowl that shrunk in the machine. Everything I wanted to keep was in the other pile. The pile didn't shrink. I have 17 hats and 2 headbands. My conclusion: I'm not going to be cold any time soon. How many shawls and scarves? Close to 17 as well. I don't have as many pairs of mittens, and I actually don't have any gloves. 8 pairs of mittens should be enough to keep my hands warm. The funny thing is that I feel I nee more shawls and scarves, and I really want a couple of hats too. It's no use in trying one new in, one old out. I don't feel I can give away anything. How many hats, mittens, shawls and scarves do you have? My drawer is not emptier, but at least it's tidy in there.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
I Just Can't Get Enough
Jeg har tidligere spurt kan man få for mange gensere. Svaret var i grunnen nei. Nå spør jeg igjen: Kan man få for mange luer? I Marthe & Marthes podcast fra Strikkefestivalen i Oslo 2015 ble det snakket om luer. Fasong, felling og hvor mange luer Marthene hadde. Marthe hadde 7 eller 8 luer, mener jeg å huske. De har forresten en instagram-konkurranse hvor de vil at du skal ta bilde av lua di og bruke #ullpåtoppen . Min kurv med luer, sjal og votter er full. Det popper ut hver gang jeg åpner trådkurven. Jeg fant ut at jeg skulle rydde og ta en opptelling. Etter at jeg dro ut alt og sorterte ut det jeg ikke brukte/ikke passet, noe som var omtrent to luer og en hals som hadde krympet i vask, så lå det jeg ville beholde igjen på gulvet. Haugen krympet ikke veldig mye, det kan jeg fortelle. Det ble ikke noe spesielt bedre plass heller. Jeg har nå 17 luer og 2 pannebånd. Konklusjonen er at jeg ikke kommer til å fryse på ørene med det første. Hvor mange sjal og skjerf jeg har? Nærmere 17 der også. Jeg har ikke like mange votter, og jeg har faktisk ingen vanter eller hansker. 8 par votter bør i grunnen være nok til å holde meg varm. Det snodige er at jeg føler at jeg trenger flere sjal og skjerf, og jeg har lyst på flere luer. Det nytter ikke med prinsippet at en ny inn, en gammel ut. Det er ingen jeg føler jeg kan unnvære heller. Hvor mange luer, votter, sjal og skjerf har du? Trådkurven er om ikke tommere, så ryddigere i alle fall.
I have earlier asked if you can get too many sweaters. The answer was no. I'm asking again: Can you get too many hats? In a Norwegian podcast, Marthe & Marthe they talked about hats. Shapes, decreases and how many hats one of them had at home. She had 7 or 8 hats, I think. By the way, they have an instagram give away going on, take a picture of your hat and tag it with #ullpåtoppen , which means woolly at the top. My drawer with hats, shawls and mittens is full. It pops out every time I open it. I figured I should tidy it and make a count. I dragged out everything and sorted in piles, one pile for everything I used and one pile for give away. The last pile ended up being about two hats and a cowl that shrunk in the machine. Everything I wanted to keep was in the other pile. The pile didn't shrink. I have 17 hats and 2 headbands. My conclusion: I'm not going to be cold any time soon. How many shawls and scarves? Close to 17 as well. I don't have as many pairs of mittens, and I actually don't have any gloves. 8 pairs of mittens should be enough to keep my hands warm. The funny thing is that I feel I nee more shawls and scarves, and I really want a couple of hats too. It's no use in trying one new in, one old out. I don't feel I can give away anything. How many hats, mittens, shawls and scarves do you have? My drawer is not emptier, but at least it's tidy in there.
I have earlier asked if you can get too many sweaters. The answer was no. I'm asking again: Can you get too many hats? In a Norwegian podcast, Marthe & Marthe they talked about hats. Shapes, decreases and how many hats one of them had at home. She had 7 or 8 hats, I think. By the way, they have an instagram give away going on, take a picture of your hat and tag it with #ullpåtoppen , which means woolly at the top. My drawer with hats, shawls and mittens is full. It pops out every time I open it. I figured I should tidy it and make a count. I dragged out everything and sorted in piles, one pile for everything I used and one pile for give away. The last pile ended up being about two hats and a cowl that shrunk in the machine. Everything I wanted to keep was in the other pile. The pile didn't shrink. I have 17 hats and 2 headbands. My conclusion: I'm not going to be cold any time soon. How many shawls and scarves? Close to 17 as well. I don't have as many pairs of mittens, and I actually don't have any gloves. 8 pairs of mittens should be enough to keep my hands warm. The funny thing is that I feel I nee more shawls and scarves, and I really want a couple of hats too. It's no use in trying one new in, one old out. I don't feel I can give away anything. How many hats, mittens, shawls and scarves do you have? My drawer is not emptier, but at least it's tidy in there.
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Jeg tror jeg har to luer, men sjal og skjerf har jeg nok en god del av. Men ikke nødvendigvis sånne som skal hjelpe meg å holde varmen. Noen er jo pynteskjerf også.
Har et par votter som jeg har strikket, et par som Ann har strikket og et par som mamma strikket i gamle dager (de er harde og ubehagelige å bruke og er mest der for sentimentalitet). Ingen strikkede vanter men tre par av kjøpetypen.
Jeg har to halser/buff som jeg har strikket og kan brukes som lue og skjerf kombinert.
Det høres ut som du trenger luer og votter og kanskje noen halser. Jeg har noen skjerf/sjal som er mer til pynt jeg også. Telte de i samme kategori, siden jeg bruker noen av sjalene til både skjerf-typen og pyntesjal.
Har brukt lue 2 ganger i vinter, men buffene mine bruker jeg.
Ellers strikker jeg votter nå. Strikket en vott og rakk opp igjen for å starte med litt større pinner.
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