January has been the month of test knitting. I've finished almost all projects I signed up to test knit, except one hat. My plan is to knit that one tonight. When you test knit, you're not allowed to show any pictures of your FO before the pattern is published. It's fair, I get that, but I am a person who like to put up the FOs first thing when they are done. Rules are rules, and I'm not a rulebreaker. But look forward to some of the FOs, since the pattern I test knitted are great patterns. One of the pattern I test knitted was Frozen Silver Shawl by Suvi Simola. I think her designs are great, and her Christmas calendar was 20% discount on a selected pattern each day. I think I bought a new pattern almost every day in December. Love her patterns, and this shawl is not the exception. It's an incredible wellwritten pattern, and it's real easy to knit. It took me three afternoons to knit the shawl, then two afternoons to block it and two days to wait for daylight. Suvi Simola's design have clean lines and recognised by the simplicity, but often they have some small detail or structure to make them unique. I dug into my stash after yarn and I found Kos from Tulliball in the colorway Kranglefant. Kranglefant means wrangler and that the colorway is not going to be made again. Too bad, since I thought my Kranglefant was so vibrant and great, clear, deep blue with bits of black.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Forever Blue
Januar har vært måned for prøvestrikking. Jeg er ferdig med alle prosjekter jeg meldte meg til å prøvestrikke minus en lue. Den skal jeg strikke i kveld. Det som er med å prøvestrikke, er at det ikke er lov til å vise bilder av prosjektene før mønsteret er utgitt. Jeg som helst vil vise og føre opp ferdige prosjekter med en gang de er ferdige, men regler er regler. Gled dere til jeg får vist fram det jeg har prøvestrikket, for de mønstrene er veldig fine! Et av mønstrene jeg prøvestrikket var Frozen Silver Shawl av Suvi Simola. Jeg synes hun designer utrolig mye fint, og julekalenderen hennes var 20% på et utvalgt mønster hver dag. Kan si det sånn at jeg kjøpte et nytt mønster omtrent hver dag i desember. Dette sjalet er intet unntak. Det er et utrolig velskrevet mønster, og det er kjapt å strikke. Det tok meg tre ettermiddager å strikke, så to ettermiddager med blokking og venting på dagslys. Jeg synes fasongen er utrolig fin, og strukturen på sjalet gjør sjalet. Suvi Simola sine design kjennetegnes av rene linjer, enkle plagg, men noe unikt som struktur eller en detalj. Jeg gravde i lageret mitt for å strikke dette sjalet, og jeg endte opp med Tulliball-garn, Kos i fargen Kranglefant. Min kranglefant var en dyp og klar blåfarge med innslag av litt sort. Kranglefant betyr at denne fargen ikke blir laget opp igjen. Noe som er litt synd, for fargen er lekker.
January has been the month of test knitting. I've finished almost all projects I signed up to test knit, except one hat. My plan is to knit that one tonight. When you test knit, you're not allowed to show any pictures of your FO before the pattern is published. It's fair, I get that, but I am a person who like to put up the FOs first thing when they are done. Rules are rules, and I'm not a rulebreaker. But look forward to some of the FOs, since the pattern I test knitted are great patterns. One of the pattern I test knitted was Frozen Silver Shawl by Suvi Simola. I think her designs are great, and her Christmas calendar was 20% discount on a selected pattern each day. I think I bought a new pattern almost every day in December. Love her patterns, and this shawl is not the exception. It's an incredible wellwritten pattern, and it's real easy to knit. It took me three afternoons to knit the shawl, then two afternoons to block it and two days to wait for daylight. Suvi Simola's design have clean lines and recognised by the simplicity, but often they have some small detail or structure to make them unique. I dug into my stash after yarn and I found Kos from Tulliball in the colorway Kranglefant. Kranglefant means wrangler and that the colorway is not going to be made again. Too bad, since I thought my Kranglefant was so vibrant and great, clear, deep blue with bits of black.
January has been the month of test knitting. I've finished almost all projects I signed up to test knit, except one hat. My plan is to knit that one tonight. When you test knit, you're not allowed to show any pictures of your FO before the pattern is published. It's fair, I get that, but I am a person who like to put up the FOs first thing when they are done. Rules are rules, and I'm not a rulebreaker. But look forward to some of the FOs, since the pattern I test knitted are great patterns. One of the pattern I test knitted was Frozen Silver Shawl by Suvi Simola. I think her designs are great, and her Christmas calendar was 20% discount on a selected pattern each day. I think I bought a new pattern almost every day in December. Love her patterns, and this shawl is not the exception. It's an incredible wellwritten pattern, and it's real easy to knit. It took me three afternoons to knit the shawl, then two afternoons to block it and two days to wait for daylight. Suvi Simola's design have clean lines and recognised by the simplicity, but often they have some small detail or structure to make them unique. I dug into my stash after yarn and I found Kos from Tulliball in the colorway Kranglefant. Kranglefant means wrangler and that the colorway is not going to be made again. Too bad, since I thought my Kranglefant was so vibrant and great, clear, deep blue with bits of black.
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Lekkert sjal, og en fantastisk farge.
Kjenner til det der med å måtte vente for å få lov til å vise fram ting. Jeg har faktisk helt glemt noen av tingene jeg prøvestikket, fordi de går i glemmeboken etter en stund. Litt rart å blogge dem flere måneder senere. Får ta en oppsamlingsrunde. :)
God helg!
Knallfin blåfarge, og kjempefint sjal :)
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