It's the first of December today, and in Norway we all count down opening our Christmas calender with one small gift each day. Outside it's raining and about 10 degrees Celsius, a rare weather this time of year in Norway. The dark evenings make up for it. Candle lights and Christmas decorated windows makes the Christmas mood after all. This year I got my calender from Annette. She's been real good keeping it a secret until she gave it to me. All of the gifts are marked with numbers that's on a piece of jigsaw puzzle, which means I also get a jigsaw puzzle when I've open all the gifts. Today's gift really made me laugh out loud. I love skulls, and the first gift was balloons with skulls and a Wonderbaum with a skull. I also got a bag of tea. Hilarous gift, Annette!!
Jeg har fortsatt luedilla, og jeg har heklet denne lua. WTF er kanskje ikke det man putter på ungen sin, men den er nå morsom og passer en voksen. Den er heklet i Merino Extra Fine på heklekrok 4 mm. Jeg er allerede i gang med nok en lue!
I'm still hooked on hats, and this hat is my latest one. WTF is probably not the hat you let your kid wear, but it's funny and I crocheted it in adult size. I have used Merino Extra Fine on hook 4 mm. I've already started another hat.
1 comment:
Adventskalender er minst like gøy for de voksne :)
Kjempekul lue, går fint å hekle til de barna som har passert 25,jeg kunne godt hatt en sånn selv :)
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