Dette prosjektet er Løvlisjalet i alpakka fra Sandnes. Det er et ganske morsomt sjal å strikke, siden det er striper og jeg bare skal strikke en stripe til. På den andre siden går de første stripene fort, men de siste etter alle økningene ... de tar litt tid. Og den kanten ... tar litt tid den også. Uansett, sjalet ble ferdig på helg. Sier kanskje mest om hva jeg gjorde hele helga. Og det var ikke forrige helg da det var strikkefestival. Sjalet er nå gitt til riktige eier, og jeg tror nok det drøyer bittelitt før jeg strikker et til meg selv.
(Tittel: How Do You Sleep - Sam Smith)
... when you have too many projects on the needles, and they should have been done? No, knitting is relaxing and no stress. Absolutely! Just no when you have a deadline on test knitting and stuff, but mainly it is relaxing. But I do have a lot of projects on the needles, and project Free The Needles might be on hold for a little while since I have cast on about five new projects the last week. I still have a small dream and a tiny hope to finish all the projects before 2020. Maybe I can start 2020 with only one project on the needles? Would be nice.
This project is the Lovely Shawl knitted in alpaca yarn from Sandnes. It's a pretty fun yarn to knit, since it's stripes and I always want to knit just one more stripe. On the other hand, the first stripes knit up pretty fast, but the last ones ... not so fast. And the edging ... not so fast either. Anyway, I knit the shawl in one weekend. Might say more about how I spent the weekend ... And not the last weekend, since I was at Oslo knitting festival. The shawl is now at the right owner, and I think I wait a bit before knitting one for myself.
(Title: How Do You Sleep - Sam Smith)
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