Har strikket enda et par med sokker. Nok en gang Fabel. Disse er str.45, og åpenbart ikke til meg.
haustlov på Instagram har startet en lagerfest2019, og utfordringen for februar er å gjøre ferdig påbegynte prosjekter. Jeg har jo noen av dem, så skal absolutt prøve å få ferdig så mange prosjekter som mulig.
(Tittel: Winter Wars - Wale)
Finally February. It snows and snows. And we are almost snowed in ... And the only thing I look forward too is the spring. And that might be a bit weird for a knitter to love spring and summer with the sun and the heat. It's not exactly the weather to wear wool. But right now spring is far away. About a meter or two of snow ... It's going to be a long winter again. Right now I've got the fire going in the fire place. And I have my knitting. I'm enjoying the moment. At least as long as I don't have to go out in the snow.
I have finished another pair of socks. Again using Fabel. These are in size 45, so obviously not to me.
haustlov on Instagram has started lagerfest2019, a challenge to reduce yarn stash, and February's challenge is to finish up WIPs. I have some, and I will absolutely join in and try to finish up as many projects I can.
(Title: Winter Wars - Wale)
kor fine sokker lell . eg har også hengt med på den lagerfesten 2019 ;)
og det har vært ein bra januar ;)
smil fra ho monika
Ser ut som deilige sokker. Sokkeproduksjon hos meg også for tiden, men jeg trengte flere nye par selv :)
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