Ja, også har jeg teststrikket en lue. Det er utrolig mange designere som har luemønster for tiden, men dette luemønsteret følte jeg virkelig var litt mer avansert enn å strikke glattstrikk til man var ferdig. Lua heter Letizia og kommer vel ut om ikke altfor lenge. Lua mi er strikket i restegarn. Det svarte er Drops alpaca og det rosa er DSA alpakka.
(Nonstop - Drake)
Some days are just better than others. And when I say better, I mean more time to knit. Yesterday I started my work day with a big meeting with more people than I expected it to be. It was totally legit to knit. The meeting lasted more than half of my working da. So my mood was pretty good from the start yesterday. When they served me Cola and chocolate, I thought the day couldn't get much better. At the end of the day I had another meeting where I could knit. Such a great working day. And the day wasn't over at all. After work I knit at a restaurant, outside downtown, at a bar and at the end at a theater. And wow, what a musical! I'm probably real late to join the party of people who have seen Books of Mormons, but I'm impressed. So much fun! And yes, I knitted while I watched. Sleeve number two was done about five minutes before Books of Mormons. Two sleeves on a day, that's what I call a good day.
And btw, I have test knitted a hat. So many designers have their own hat pattern right now, but this hat I really felt the pattern made sense and is advanced enough so you actually need a pattern. The pattern is called Letizia and I bet it's out soon at Ravelry. I knitted my hat in yarn from stash. The black is alpaca from Drops, and the pink is alpaca from Du Store Alpakka.
(Nonstop - Drake)
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