Så mens regnet høljer ned ute, skal jeg grave meg langsomt ned i strikkekurven med haugevis av påbegynte prosjekter. Kanskje jeg kan klare å få ryddet i strikkekurven før året er over? Og med rydde mener jeg å strikke ferdig eller rekke opp alle prosjektene der.
(Party's Over - Astrid S)
Well, you can say that. The sumemr is over, and the normal life and weekdays are back. It is noticeable both on my energy level and the weather. Both is a grey area right now. But I guess I'll manage to produce something in the fall weather too. This summer I finished my Threipmuir designed by Ysolda Teague. I cast on during winter some time, but after I finished the pattern on the yoke, I thought the sweater would turn out too big. I put the sweater aside, since I didn't feel like knitting something too big. I was about to frog it this summer, but decided to try it on before frogging. Good thing, since the sweater fitted. So I finished it instead of frogging. The yarn is Højlandsuld from Garnudsalg, and a very lovely yarn to knit with. The sweater only weighs 214 g and even though I don't look forward to colder weather, I have to say a benefit with colder weather is to get to wear a new sweater.
So while the rain is pouring down today, I'm going to slowly dig deeper in my project basket with a big pile of WIPs. I might even manage to tidy up the knitting basket before the year is over? And by tidying up, I mean finish or frog the numerous projects in there.
(Party's Over -Astrid S)
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