Jeg har klart å melde meg på en strikkealong. Gjør jo sånt med jevne mellomrom. Denne strikkealongen går på Facebook og heter Sokkedille2018. Ikke helt sikker på reglene, men det kommer sokkemønster man kjøper og skal strikke på omtrent 10-14 dager. Det første paret var Trippel, og jeg brukte kun restegarn. Det er jeg veldig fornøyd med. Føles ekstra godt å kunne bruke lagergarn nå sånn rett før jeg vet at jeg skal kjøpe mer garn. Sokkene passer perfekt til meg, str.36 med andre ord. Det oransje er en sock blank fra Danmark, det grå og sorte er Cascade Heritage.
Også må jeg slenge med et par bilder fra en utrolig hyggelig kveld på Værbitt for litt siden. Kristy Glass, podcaster, sjekk ut kanalen hennes på Youtube og Instaprofilen hennes, var innom Værbitt. Utrolig koselig å møte henne igjen. Hun husket oss norske fra Rhinebeck også, og det var ekstra stas. Så nå har vi et gruppebilde fra Rhinebeck 2017, et gruppebilde fra Oslo 2018 og jeg krysser fingrene for at vi klarer å få et gruppebilde fra Edinbourgh 2019. En årlig tradisjon, kanskje?
(Harvest Love - Tash Sultana)
It rains, and rains. Not that it matters too much. I just spent a whole Saturday at home. Tidying a bit, washing a bit, but a lot of time spent in my couch with my knitting, a book, music or a podcast. I don't enjoy fall too much, but I have to admit, days like that are nice. Ok, I could have done almost the same at a beach and probably been a lot happier, but hey, I live in Norway and have to face the seasons. Remind me I said that when winter comes and I complain about it. Fall is also darker evenings, and I have just lit some candles. Ok, I lit the candles since my living room lights don't work and I have to wait until the weekend to get it fixed. But candlelight is nice though. And a perfect excuse to not read my curriculum today. I'm just going to enjoy the candles and some knitting tonight.
I have joined a knit along. I do that sometimes. This one is on Facebook and is called Sokkedille2018, socks. I'm not really sure about all the rules, but we have to buy a sock pattern and knit the socks during a 10-14 day period. The first pair was called Trippel and I used only yarn from my stash, which makes me so happy right now. Mostly because I know I'm going to buy yarn next week. The orange is a sock blank from Denmark, the grey and black is Cascade Heritage. And the socks fit me perfect, so a size 36.
And I have to add some photos from a really great evening at the store Værbitt in Oslo. Kristy Glass, check out her podcast on YouTube and find her on Instagram, was there. It was such a pleasure to meet her again. And she remembered us from Rhinebeck, which makes me so happy. We took a group photo in Rhinebeck 2017, and recreated the photo now in Oslo 2018, and I cross my fingers we can do the same in Edinburgh 2019. That would be so much fun!
(Harvest Love - Tash Sultana)
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