Yesterday Nita popped in for a visit. Occasionally we meet and of course we knit. And of course we talk a lot. Yesterday was one of those nights when we talked a lot more than we knitted, or actually we knit while we talk. The only problem yesterday was that we had to knit backwards all the time. I was halfway on a devil hat, but had to frogg it twice and have moved back to start.
Jeg har strikket litt på Topstykket mitt. Da jeg endelig skjønte fellingene, er det et enkelt mønster å strikke. Jeg gleder meg virkelig til jeg er ferdig og kan starte å bruke det. Garnet er så mykt og deilig. Bruker Geilsk-garn.

I have also knitted a bit on Topstykket. When I finally got the hang of the decreasing, it's really an easy pattern to knit. I'm looking forward to finish this project, because I can hardly wait to wear it. The yarn is so soft. I'm using Geilsk yarn.