Finished! My dress/tunic in Wollmeise! I have used colors that really isn't me at all, but I already feel that this garment is very much me. I believe I'm going to use this dress a lot. It's taken me a bit over a week to knit it, and it really was a fast knit when I just got started. There's a big section with garter stitch in one color which isn't that fun to knit, but this time I didn't put the project away, I just kept on knitting. That kind of helped the project from becoming an UFO and the fact that I almost couldn't wait to wear the dress. I've used Sabrina as the main color, Kürbis, Zarte Knospe and Blue Curracoe as contrast colors.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
My New Favorite
Da var den ferdig! Tunikaen i Wollmeise! Her har jeg brukt farger som egentlig ikke er meg i det hele tatt, men jeg merker allerede at dette plagget er veldig meg. Tror nok at denne tunikaen/kjolen kommer til å bli brukt en god del, ja. Jeg har brukt litt over en uke på selve strikkingen. Det gikk ganske fort når jeg først kom i gang. Stort parti med glattstrikk, og ja, det er enkelt, men kan være forholdsvis kjedelig å strikke også. Denne gangen gikk det bra, men kan ha mye med at jeg gledet meg sånn til å ta plagget i bruk. Jeg har brukt Sabrina som bunnfarge, Kürbis, Zarte Knospe og Blue Curracoe til mønterfarger.

Finished! My dress/tunic in Wollmeise! I have used colors that really isn't me at all, but I already feel that this garment is very much me. I believe I'm going to use this dress a lot. It's taken me a bit over a week to knit it, and it really was a fast knit when I just got started. There's a big section with garter stitch in one color which isn't that fun to knit, but this time I didn't put the project away, I just kept on knitting. That kind of helped the project from becoming an UFO and the fact that I almost couldn't wait to wear the dress. I've used Sabrina as the main color, Kürbis, Zarte Knospe and Blue Curracoe as contrast colors.
Finished! My dress/tunic in Wollmeise! I have used colors that really isn't me at all, but I already feel that this garment is very much me. I believe I'm going to use this dress a lot. It's taken me a bit over a week to knit it, and it really was a fast knit when I just got started. There's a big section with garter stitch in one color which isn't that fun to knit, but this time I didn't put the project away, I just kept on knitting. That kind of helped the project from becoming an UFO and the fact that I almost couldn't wait to wear the dress. I've used Sabrina as the main color, Kürbis, Zarte Knospe and Blue Curracoe as contrast colors.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
What do you mean Edward isn't real?
Jada, jeg vet jeg er hekta på en 108 år gammel vampyr og votter til en 17 år gammel jente. Her er i alle fall de nyeste vottene jeg har strikket av Bella's Mittens. Nok en gang strikket i Alaska fra Drops.

Yes, well we have all our addiction, and at the moment my addiction includes a 108 year old vampire and a pair of mittens for a 17 year old girl. Here's my newest knitted Bella's Mittens. Once again knitted in Alaska from Drops.
Kan ikke bare strikke votter, så her er et par sokker til tulla i Austerman step. Strikket på pinne 2,25 mm og med vanlig ribb. Størrelsen er 28, og dette er par nummer 31 i 52 ppIII. Ikke så verst, og jeg har tid nok til å strikke 21 par til.
Can't just be knitting mittens, even though I sometimes want to, but here's a pair of socks for my daughter in Austerman Step. I used needles 2,25 mm and regular rib, size 28. By the way, this is my pair number 31 in the 52 ppIII. Not too bad, and I have time to knit 21 more pairs.
Jeg har strikket en hals etter mønsteret Fresco Basket Whip Cowl. Den ble myk og god i babymerino fra Drops, men ikke helt som jeg hadde tenkt meg.

I have also knitted a cowl after the pattern Fresco Basket Whip Cowl. It is soft and warm in babymerino from Drops, but not exactly what I had in mind.
Yes, well we have all our addiction, and at the moment my addiction includes a 108 year old vampire and a pair of mittens for a 17 year old girl. Here's my newest knitted Bella's Mittens. Once again knitted in Alaska from Drops.
Kan ikke bare strikke votter, så her er et par sokker til tulla i Austerman step. Strikket på pinne 2,25 mm og med vanlig ribb. Størrelsen er 28, og dette er par nummer 31 i 52 ppIII. Ikke så verst, og jeg har tid nok til å strikke 21 par til.
Jeg har strikket en hals etter mønsteret Fresco Basket Whip Cowl. Den ble myk og god i babymerino fra Drops, men ikke helt som jeg hadde tenkt meg.
I have also knitted a cowl after the pattern Fresco Basket Whip Cowl. It is soft and warm in babymerino from Drops, but not exactly what I had in mind.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Working In Progress
Jeg har gjort ferdig noen småprosjekter, men har ikke fått festet trådene enda. Legger ut bilde i løpet av helgen når trådfestingen er unnagjort. Det store prosjektet jeg jobber med om dagene er nemlig en tunika fra heftet Mini Duett fra Sandnes. Det er mange på Hobbyboden som strikker denne, og garnet er selvfølgelig Wollmeise. Dette blir en ordentlig luksustunika! Jeg har valgt farger som jeg vanligvis ikke bruker, men jeg er veldig fornøyd med fargene i kombinasjon. Bunnfargen er Sabrina, den blå heter Blue Curracoe, den limegrønne/gule heter Zarte Knopfe og den rustrøde heter Kürbis. Gleder meg til å bli ferdig så jeg kan bruke den. Har strikket 36 cm tilsammen og har en del igjen. De hvite flekkene på bildet er snø.

I have finished some smaller projects, but the weaving in threads are left. I'm going to post my finished projects during the weekend when I have taken photos of them. The big project I'm knitting on these days is a tunic from Sandnes. A lot of people at Hobbyboden are knitting it, and they are all using Wollmeise. It's a really luxury tunic. I have chosen colors I normally don't wear a lot of, but I'm really pleased with the colors I've chosen. My main color is Sabrina, the blue color is Blue Curracoe, the lime green/yellow is Zarte Knopfe and the rusty red is Kürbis. I'm knitting as fast as I can to finish it, because I can hardly wait to wear it. I have knitted about 36 cm and have quite a bit left. The white dots on the pictures are snow by the way.
I have finished some smaller projects, but the weaving in threads are left. I'm going to post my finished projects during the weekend when I have taken photos of them. The big project I'm knitting on these days is a tunic from Sandnes. A lot of people at Hobbyboden are knitting it, and they are all using Wollmeise. It's a really luxury tunic. I have chosen colors I normally don't wear a lot of, but I'm really pleased with the colors I've chosen. My main color is Sabrina, the blue color is Blue Curracoe, the lime green/yellow is Zarte Knopfe and the rusty red is Kürbis. I'm knitting as fast as I can to finish it, because I can hardly wait to wear it. I have knitted about 36 cm and have quite a bit left. The white dots on the pictures are snow by the way.
Monday, January 18, 2010

Jeg har fått en award av ruth@. Tusen takk, skal du ha. Den som får awarden skal fortelle 7 ting om seg selv, så her er 7 ting om meg.
1. Jeg er bitt av Twilight-basillen.
2. Min favorittdrikk er Cola på glassflaske.
3. Jeg er et ordentlig B-menneske.
4. Jeg er en lesehest, og har omtrent like mange prosjekter på pinnene som bøker jeg holder på å lese.
5. Jeg har aldri kommet meg igjennom Ringenes herre.
6. Jeg tåler ikke å se blod.
7. Jeg er veldig lettrørt.
Velger å gi awarden videre til deg som leser her. Ta den med deg og legg igjen kommentar, så kommer jeg på besøk.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Men's Scarf
Startet på et herreskjerf i Sisik før jul, og det var egentlig ment som en julegave. Så ganske fort at jeg ikke kom til å bli ferdig, så jeg satset på et par sokker istedet. Jeg holder nå på med å gjøre ferdig UFOer, så da passet det fint å gjøre ferdig skjerfet. Tenkte nok helt feil i forhold til lengde. Jeg tenkte et deilig og langt skjerf, men så gjorde Elite meg oppmerksom på at det andre kjønn ofte foretrekker et skjerf i lengden en gang rundt halsen og en knute. Skjerfet ble fortere ferdig enn jeg hadde antatt. Det veier nå 97 gram og er akkurat en gang rundt halsen og en knute.

I started on a men's scarf in Sisik before Christmas. It was meant to be a Christmas present, but I discovered soon enough I wasn't going to make it in time. I knitted a pair of socks instead. During January I have decided to finish a lot of my UFO's, so I started on the scarf again. I was completely wrong about the lenght of a men's scarf. I was thinking a long scarf a man could wrap twice around the neck, but Elite mad me aware that men like short scarf, the kind that goes once around the neck and a knot. Well, a good thing, and the scarf was done in a much shorter time than I had foreseen. It weighs 97 g and is short enough for a man.
Nok et par Bella's Mittens. Noen blir lei av å strikke så mange par av samme mønster, mens andre får fullstendig dilla. Har fortsatt noen votter på planen, men har en liten pause i sokkestrikkinga og strikker votter istedet.

Another pair of Bella's Mittens. Yes, I realize that some might get tired or get bored of all the mittens, but if you enjoy knitting a pattern, it might turn ouot to a lot. Well, the mittens are great gifts anyway, so instead of knitting a bunch of socks at the time, I'm knitting a bunch of mittens. Of course, while watching Twilight.
I started on a men's scarf in Sisik before Christmas. It was meant to be a Christmas present, but I discovered soon enough I wasn't going to make it in time. I knitted a pair of socks instead. During January I have decided to finish a lot of my UFO's, so I started on the scarf again. I was completely wrong about the lenght of a men's scarf. I was thinking a long scarf a man could wrap twice around the neck, but Elite mad me aware that men like short scarf, the kind that goes once around the neck and a knot. Well, a good thing, and the scarf was done in a much shorter time than I had foreseen. It weighs 97 g and is short enough for a man.
Nok et par Bella's Mittens. Noen blir lei av å strikke så mange par av samme mønster, mens andre får fullstendig dilla. Har fortsatt noen votter på planen, men har en liten pause i sokkestrikkinga og strikker votter istedet.
Another pair of Bella's Mittens. Yes, I realize that some might get tired or get bored of all the mittens, but if you enjoy knitting a pattern, it might turn ouot to a lot. Well, the mittens are great gifts anyway, so instead of knitting a bunch of socks at the time, I'm knitting a bunch of mittens. Of course, while watching Twilight.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Yummy Yarn
I november fikk jeg med meg en oppdatering fra Sanguine Gryphon. Ikke så ofte jeg er våken når oppdateringene der kommer, siden de er i en helt annen tidssone enn meg. Jeg klarte nå å få kjøpt meg to nøster med 100% kashmir-garn og to nøster med 100% silke. Herlighet for en luksus. Fargene er selvfølgelig mye finere IRL enn jeg klarer å få fram på et mørkt bilde. Jeg tror jammen jeg skal unne meg en flott og varm lue i kashmir. Må bare finne en oppskrift som passer til det nydelige garnet.

In November I finally managed to buy something on an update at Sanguine Gryphon. Not that often I'm awake when they update, since they are in a completely different time zone than me. I managed to buy two skeins of 100% cashmir-yarn and two skeins of 100% silk. What a delightful luxyury. The colors are a lot nicer IRL of course. Can't get a decent photo during the winter when I work daytime. I think I'll knit myself a cashmir hat. I just have to find the right pattern for my luxury yarn.
Jeg har også strikket en lue i alpakka kjøpt på Sømsenteret, jeg bare husker ikke fra hvor. Lua er strikket etter en oppskrift fra Drops og jeg ble veldig fornøyd med den.

I have also finished a hat in alpacca. I remember the shop I bought the yarn from but I can't remember what brand it is. The hat is knitted after a pattern from Drops, and I am very pleased with the way it turned out.
In November I finally managed to buy something on an update at Sanguine Gryphon. Not that often I'm awake when they update, since they are in a completely different time zone than me. I managed to buy two skeins of 100% cashmir-yarn and two skeins of 100% silk. What a delightful luxyury. The colors are a lot nicer IRL of course. Can't get a decent photo during the winter when I work daytime. I think I'll knit myself a cashmir hat. I just have to find the right pattern for my luxury yarn.
Jeg har også strikket en lue i alpakka kjøpt på Sømsenteret, jeg bare husker ikke fra hvor. Lua er strikket etter en oppskrift fra Drops og jeg ble veldig fornøyd med den.
I have also finished a hat in alpacca. I remember the shop I bought the yarn from but I can't remember what brand it is. The hat is knitted after a pattern from Drops, and I am very pleased with the way it turned out.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Must Be Cold Outside?
Har flere venner som har fått veldig lyst på Bella's Mittens. Disse er strikket i tykt garn, jeg bruker Alaska, og er lange i skaftet. Regner med at den ekstreme kulda ute har noe å gjøre med at veldig mange venner ha lyst på slike votter akkurat nå. Har fått fått etterspørsel også fra venner som ikke er Twilight-fans, men selvfølgelig votter kan jo være fine selv om man ikke skjønner hvorfor de heter Bella's Mittens. Her er nok et par, denne gangen i blå Alaska.

I have several friends who suddenly want a pair of Bella's Mittens. These mittens are knitted in thick wool yarn, I use Alaska, and they have a long cuff. I guess it's the extremely cold winter weather in Norway that makes my friends want mittens. It's been down to minus 28 degrees Celsius here, and trust me, that's really, really cold. Actually it's so cold that boiled water freezes in the air if you throw it. Anyway, even friends who aren't Twilight-fans have asked for Bella's Mittens, but of course the mittens are nice even though you don't understand why they are called Bella's Mittens.
I have several friends who suddenly want a pair of Bella's Mittens. These mittens are knitted in thick wool yarn, I use Alaska, and they have a long cuff. I guess it's the extremely cold winter weather in Norway that makes my friends want mittens. It's been down to minus 28 degrees Celsius here, and trust me, that's really, really cold. Actually it's so cold that boiled water freezes in the air if you throw it. Anyway, even friends who aren't Twilight-fans have asked for Bella's Mittens, but of course the mittens are nice even though you don't understand why they are called Bella's Mittens.
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Akaya den vise eller den lyse?
Det er ikke alltid så lett å få de rette ordene, så noen ganger blir Akaya den vise til Akaya den lyse. Jeg har nå klart å få ferdig Akaya-lua fra Jul i Svingen. Den er strikket etter oppskrift fra LivTorill og jeg har brukt Baby Merino fra Drops. Måtte moderere oppskriften litt siden jeg brukte mye tynnere pinner og garn.

I've made a hat used by one of the characters in a childrens Christmas show. It's a gift and I've used Baby Merino from Drops.
I've made a hat used by one of the characters in a childrens Christmas show. It's a gift and I've used Baby Merino from Drops.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Big Foot?
Neida, sokkene er ikke til Big Foot, men for meg som har størrelse 35 i sko, virker størrelse 45 som flytebrygger eller Big Foot sine sokker. Disse sokkene er strikket i Drops Delight på pinne 2,5 mm. Kun vrangbord øverst og resten i glattstrikk.

No, not Big Foot's socks, but since I am a size 35 size 45 seems like Big Foot to me. The socks are knitted in Drops Delight on needles 2,5 mm. I used pearl and knit on the top of each socks and the rest is knitted in stockinette stitch.
Jeg hadde nok et nøste Delight og brukte det til et par Blueberry Waffle sokker til minstemann i huset. Strikket på pinne 2,5 mm i størrelse 26.

I had another skein of Delight yarn and used it for a pair of Blueberry Waffle socks to my son. Knitted on needles 2,5 mm in size 26.
New Moon Alice Mittens er også ferdige. Utrolig kjapt mønster, men etter at den første var ferdig gikk den andre litt i glemmeboka. Garnet er utrolig mykt og godt, så disse blir flotte bare gradene kryper litt oppover.
New Moon Alice Mittens are also finished. Incredible fast to knit, but after I'd finished the first, I kind of forgot to knit the second one. The yarn is amazingly soft and warm, so I think I'm going to use these a lot as long as it gets a bit warmer than 25 celsius below.
No, not Big Foot's socks, but since I am a size 35 size 45 seems like Big Foot to me. The socks are knitted in Drops Delight on needles 2,5 mm. I used pearl and knit on the top of each socks and the rest is knitted in stockinette stitch.
Jeg hadde nok et nøste Delight og brukte det til et par Blueberry Waffle sokker til minstemann i huset. Strikket på pinne 2,5 mm i størrelse 26.
I had another skein of Delight yarn and used it for a pair of Blueberry Waffle socks to my son. Knitted on needles 2,5 mm in size 26.
New Moon Alice Mittens er også ferdige. Utrolig kjapt mønster, men etter at den første var ferdig gikk den andre litt i glemmeboka. Garnet er utrolig mykt og godt, så disse blir flotte bare gradene kryper litt oppover.
New Moon Alice Mittens are also finished. Incredible fast to knit, but after I'd finished the first, I kind of forgot to knit the second one. The yarn is amazingly soft and warm, so I think I'm going to use these a lot as long as it gets a bit warmer than 25 celsius below.
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