Jeg har allerede meldt meg på #80yarnchallenge2020, som går på Instagram. Det er en utfordring på å strikke mest mulig av garnlageret, men ikke med full kjøpestopp. Så om du strikker 100 g fra lageret, kan du kjøpe 20 g garn. I tillegg er det en annen utfordring, #stashdown2020 med samme mål, nemlig å strikke fra garnlageret. I denne utfordringen er det lov å bruke 30$ hver måned på garn, men ikke noe mer. Det er meningen at du skal lage en liste over prosjekter du kan strikke med garn fra lageret og holde deg til den listen. Jeg strikker litt mer på impuls, men jeg skal absolutt prøve å strikke fra lageret. Så med disse utfordringene, hvem kan vel misse helt???
Mine mål for 2020:
- Slanke lageret med 10 kg
- Holde et garnregnskap gjennom hele året
- Legge inn alle prosjektene på Ravelry
Så får vi se om jeg har litt mer måloppnåelse for 2020 enn jeg hadde i 2019.
(Tittel: Circles - Post Malone)
My list og projects I would like ti knit in 2020.
Everything goes in circles, doesn't it? New year, new possibilities, new goals. It's about time to set new goals. I can't say I reached my goals at all for 2019. Diet my yarn stash? Nja, that didn't really happen. I had some months without buying yarn, but doesn't really help when I just went crazy in Edinburgh and Fanø. And of course, my wonderful Christmas calendar had a lot of yarn. And I'm not complaining. I should just knit faster and more. My huge goal to knit 104 projects, well ... That didn't happen either. And I have a pile of projects I didn't even put up on Ravelry. Why? Because I had to weight them, and that is such a hard work. And there I just spoiled how my last goal went. I didn't reach that one either. The last goal was to write down yarn I knitted up and yarn I bought, so since I haven't bothered to weigh a pile of projects, well, I didn't reach that one either. But I'm an optimist and it is a new year, new possibilities and new goals. Or rather I can just recycle the old ones.
I have already joined the hashtag #80yarnchallenge2020. You're allowed to buy yarn, but you have to knit more. So if you knit up 100 g yarn from your stash, you can buy 20 g of yarn. Great idea! Another one is #stashdown2020. You are allowed to buy yarn for 30$ a month, and you have to make a list of projects where you use yarn from your stash and stick to it. I knit more on impulse, but I plan on using my stash. So, who can go wrong with these two challenges?
My goals for 2020:
- diet my stash with 10 kg
- write down every gram of yarn in and out of my stash
- put all my projects on Ravelry
Hopefully I'll reach my goals in 2020.
(Title: Circles - Post Malong)