Litt sånn jeg føler denne våren. Aldri egentlig over. Snakker om eksamen og pensumlesing. Blir liksom aldri egentlig ferdig. Det føles i alle fall akkurat sånn. En eksamen er ferdig, en eksamen til uka. Jeg leser, leser, strikker, reiser på reiser som ikke akkurat passer inn i eksamenslesinga. Det tar jo slutt en gang, og da skal jeg virkelig nyte livet igjen. Ikke for at jeg ikke nyter livet nå, men kan nyte det enda litt mer.
Genseren heter Leeda, og er en teststrikk. Jeg har brukt Wollmeise og Tweedy Todd. Anbefaler å hoppe over siste økningsrunden, den gjorde at bolen ble litt krøllete og posete.
(Tittel: Never Really Over - Katy Perry)
A bit like how I feel like this spring. Never really over. And I'm thinking about my exams. I don't feel like I'm ever really done. One exam done, one to go. I'm studying, studying, knitting, traveling and going on trips which really doesn't fit in with my studying plan. It is going to end one time, and when it does, I am going to really enjoy life again. Not that I don't enjoy life right now, but without having to study for an exam I can enjoy it even more.
The sweater is called Leeda and it's a test knit. I used Wollmeise and Tweedy Todd. I recommend to skip the last round of increases, it made the yoke a bit baggy and crinkly.
(Title: Never Really Over - Katy Perry)
Friday, May 31, 2019
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Doin' Time
Jeg skriver på masterskisse. Jeg har ikke mange ord igjen. Men det skal liksom henge sammen også. Deadline i morgen kl.23.59. Et hav av tid til. Jeg teststrikker en kofte. Jeg har strikket omtrent 15 cm på bolen. Deadline er 1. juni. Et hav av tid til. Jeg leser til muntlig eksamen. Det er 2000 sider på pensum. Eksamen er 6. juni. Et hav av tid til. Drukner snart i dette havet av tid ...
Og hva gjør jeg da? Jo, jeg graver i garnlageret mitt og finner fram garn til et nytt prosjekt. Neste prosjekt ut er Navelli av Caitlin Hunter. Det har jeg i alle fall tid til nå. Hvilken fargekombinasjon, nummer 1, 2 eller 3?
(Tittel. Doin' Time - Lana del Rey)
I'm writing a thesis for my Master's degree. I don't have a lot words left. But it's supposed to make sense too. Deadline tomorrow one minute before midnight. An ocean of time. I'm test knitting a jacket with stranded knits. I have knitted about 15 cm on the body. Deadline is 1. June. An ocean of time. I'm studying for my oral exam. I have 2000 pages to read and to understand. The exam is 6. June. An ocean of time. I'm going to drown in this ocean of time soon ...
So what do I do? I dive into my yarn stash and dig out yarn for a new project. Next project out is Navelli by Caitlin Hunter. I have time for that now, right? What color combo is the best, number 1, 2 or 3?
(Title: Doin' Time - Lana del Rey)
Og hva gjør jeg da? Jo, jeg graver i garnlageret mitt og finner fram garn til et nytt prosjekt. Neste prosjekt ut er Navelli av Caitlin Hunter. Det har jeg i alle fall tid til nå. Hvilken fargekombinasjon, nummer 1, 2 eller 3?
(Tittel. Doin' Time - Lana del Rey)
I'm writing a thesis for my Master's degree. I don't have a lot words left. But it's supposed to make sense too. Deadline tomorrow one minute before midnight. An ocean of time. I'm test knitting a jacket with stranded knits. I have knitted about 15 cm on the body. Deadline is 1. June. An ocean of time. I'm studying for my oral exam. I have 2000 pages to read and to understand. The exam is 6. June. An ocean of time. I'm going to drown in this ocean of time soon ...
So what do I do? I dive into my yarn stash and dig out yarn for a new project. Next project out is Navelli by Caitlin Hunter. I have time for that now, right? What color combo is the best, number 1, 2 or 3?
(Title: Doin' Time - Lana del Rey)
Monday, May 13, 2019
Happy Thoughts
Joda, man skal ha happy thoughts. To dager før eksamen er det bare litt vanskelig å finne dem. Lover at jeg skal returnere til mitt glade, skravlete og ikke-sutrete meg med en gang eksamensperioden er over. Sånn midtveis i juni ...
(Tittel: Happy Thoughts - Felix Sandman)
Yes, you should have happy thoughts. Two days before the first exam it's a bit hard to find the happy thoughts. I promise I'll return to my happy, chatty not complaining me once all the exams are over. In the midst of June ...
(Title: Happy thoughts - Felix Sandman)
(Tittel: Happy Thoughts - Felix Sandman)
Yes, you should have happy thoughts. Two days before the first exam it's a bit hard to find the happy thoughts. I promise I'll return to my happy, chatty not complaining me once all the exams are over. In the midst of June ...
(Title: Happy thoughts - Felix Sandman)
Thursday, May 09, 2019
Joy - å finne noe annet enn regninger og reklame i postkasse. Joy - å finne en av favorittfargene dine når du åpner pakka. Små gleder, men små gleder kan virkelig snu en dårlig dag. I alle fall for meg. Jeg ble med på Solidarity Swap på Ravelry, en swap som ble arrangert etter diskusjonene rundt rasisme i strikkemiljøet på Instagram. Egentlig ikke etter diskusjonene, for diskusjonene foregår fortsatt. Det er en god ting at det diskuteres. Ting endres, og det synes. Det er flere og flere farger på modellene og størrelser også. Tilbake til pakka jeg fikk i posten, og jeg fikk et vakkert hespe med lilla sokkegarn. Fantastisk flott! Garnet er fra Sticks & Cups. Det er håndfarget i Utrecht, Nederland, og eieren som har farget garnet er en flyktning fra Iran. Lilla er en av yndlingsfargene mine og det er så flott at garnet er farget av en lokal garnbutikken for hun som sendte til meg. Jeg fikk også en veldig søt maskemarkør. For en flott gave, og jeg gleder meg til å finne en oppskrift som passer til garnet.
(Tittel: Joy - Bastille)
Joy - when you come home and find something else than bills and brochures in the mail box. Joy - when you open up and find one of your favorite colors. Small joys, but it can turn a bad day around. At least to me. I joined the Solidarity Swap at Ravelry, a swap arranged in the aftermath of the race discussion in the knitting community. And I say aftermath, but it is an ongoing discussion. I embrace it, and the changes that follows. It's noticeable. It really is. I see BIPOC modeling knitwear everywhere nowadays. And it's beautiful to observe. Back to my post, I received a beautiful skein of purple sock yarn. I love it! The yarn is from Sticks & Cups. It's handyed in Utrecht, The Netherlands, and the owner is a refugee from Iran. I love the different shades of purple in it, and I love that it's local for the person who sent it to me. I also got a very cute stitch marker. What a great gift, and I can't wait to find something I can knit with this lovely skein.
(Title: Joy - Bastille)
(Tittel: Joy - Bastille)
Joy - when you come home and find something else than bills and brochures in the mail box. Joy - when you open up and find one of your favorite colors. Small joys, but it can turn a bad day around. At least to me. I joined the Solidarity Swap at Ravelry, a swap arranged in the aftermath of the race discussion in the knitting community. And I say aftermath, but it is an ongoing discussion. I embrace it, and the changes that follows. It's noticeable. It really is. I see BIPOC modeling knitwear everywhere nowadays. And it's beautiful to observe. Back to my post, I received a beautiful skein of purple sock yarn. I love it! The yarn is from Sticks & Cups. It's handyed in Utrecht, The Netherlands, and the owner is a refugee from Iran. I love the different shades of purple in it, and I love that it's local for the person who sent it to me. I also got a very cute stitch marker. What a great gift, and I can't wait to find something I can knit with this lovely skein.
(Title: Joy - Bastille)
Sunday, May 05, 2019
Win Win
All sport handler om å vinne. Om å bli best. Om å legge inn en haug med treningstimer for å kunne bli raskest, sterkest. Og det handler om det i roller derby også. Om å vinne. Det er bare at det finnes flere måter å vinne på. Å vinne alene. Å vinne sammen. Eller å vinne, men samtidig heie litt på det tapende laget. Eller kanskje ikke heie på dem, men å unne dem å mestre, å få til. Det handler om klubbfølelse, og det handler om inkludering. Jeg vet ikke om noen annen sport hvor det er så åpent akseptert å være utenfor boksen, A4-formen på alle områder. Og det er ikke før man har vært borte et år, at man husker hvor gøy det faktisk er å rulle rundt på fire hjul og treffe venner. Bokstavelig talt. Stakk innom i dag, og endte opp som NSO, (Non Skating Officials, altså en av de mange som holder orden på noe av det praktiske rundt en roller derby-kamp.) Før jeg endte opp som NSO, så satt jeg på tribunen med strikketøyet mitt. En velfortjent (?) pause i eksamenslesinga, som endte opp som en litt lengre pause og ikke så mye strikking. Desto morsommere, da. Så denne uka har jeg strikket på kino, på kurs og på roller derby-kamp. Mer offentlig strikking enn det, blir det ikke denne uka. Resten av kvelden skal det leses til eksamen. (Mens jeg gleder meg til høsten hvor jeg kan finne fram skøytene mine igjen.) Strikker forresten på en topp jeg teststrikker, og den blir knallfin. Garnet er A Touch of Twist, og er kjøpt i Rhinebeck. Et utrolig godt garn å strikke av.
(Tittel: Win Win - Diplo, Tove Lo)
All sports is about winning. To become the best. To put in enough hours to become the fastest, the strongest. And it's about winning in roller derby too. It's just there are different ways of winning. To win alone. To win together. Or to win, but at the same time to root for the loosing team. Or maybe not root for them, but to want them to succeed, to win a couple of jams. It's about putting your heart in it and in the club, and it's about inclusion. I don't know any other sport where being different and not fitting into the box is welcomed more. And it's not until you haven't been participating for a year, you notice how much you miss it, to roll around on four wheels hitting friends. I popped in on the Challenge today, and ended up as NSO (Non Skating Officials, one of the many keeping track of the practical things during a roller derby bout.) I watched a bit from the bleacher with my knitting, but ended up watching it from the score board keeping scores for one team. A break in my studying, ended up as longer break and not as much knitting as planned. But the rest of the evening is just studying. (While I'm counting how long it is until I can dig out my skates again.) I'm knitting a top, actually test knitting a top, and I love it. The yarn is A Touch of Twist, and I bought it in Rhinebeck. Love it, and it's just great to knit with.
(Title: Win Win - Diplo, Tove Lo)
Thursday, May 02, 2019
Pray (High Valyrian)
Ja, jeg ser på Game of Thrones som omtrent resten av verden gjør. Jeg sparte litt på episodene og så de første tre på en kveld. En laaang kveld. Ante ikke at episode 3 var over en time lang. Den andre tingen alle andre ser er Avanger: The End Game. Tok med familien på film. Endelig en film som alle faktisk ville se. Den er lang, den filmen. Ikke for at den var kjedelig eller det var noen dødpunkter, men det blir litt strikketid av sånt. Så klart jeg hadde med strikketøyet på kino. Får man strikket på kino? Det går helt fint. Denne gangen mistet jeg faktisk en maske også, men klarte å plukke den opp og fortsatte strikkinga. Hvor mye går det egentlig an å strikke på en 3-timer lang film på kino? Omtrent 14 cm glattstrikk på en bol, viser det seg.
Jeg trengte ikke strikketøy for å unngå kjedsomhet på kino. Andre ganger er strikketøy en nødvendighet. Var på kurs i dag ...
(Tittel: Pray (High Valyrian) - Matt Bellamy)
Yes, I'm watching Game of Thrones as almost everybody else in this world. I saved up some episodes and watched the three first ones in one evening. One long evening. I didn't know that episode 3 was over an hour long. The other thing everybody else watch is Avanger: The End Game. I took my family to the movies. Finally a movie everyone in my family actually wanted to watch. It's long, that movie. Not that it's boring at all, but a long movie gives a lot of knitting time. Of course I brought my knitting to the movies. Can you knit at the movie theater? Oh, yes, and this time I lost a stitch as well, but I managed to pick it up and continue the knitting. How much can you knit during a 3-hour movie? About 14 cm stockinette stitch on the body, it turns out.
I didn't really need the knitting to avoid boredom at the movie theater. Other times knitting is a necessity. I was at this course today ....
(Title: Pray (High Valyrian) - Matt Bellamy)
Jeg trengte ikke strikketøy for å unngå kjedsomhet på kino. Andre ganger er strikketøy en nødvendighet. Var på kurs i dag ...
(Tittel: Pray (High Valyrian) - Matt Bellamy)
Yes, I'm watching Game of Thrones as almost everybody else in this world. I saved up some episodes and watched the three first ones in one evening. One long evening. I didn't know that episode 3 was over an hour long. The other thing everybody else watch is Avanger: The End Game. I took my family to the movies. Finally a movie everyone in my family actually wanted to watch. It's long, that movie. Not that it's boring at all, but a long movie gives a lot of knitting time. Of course I brought my knitting to the movies. Can you knit at the movie theater? Oh, yes, and this time I lost a stitch as well, but I managed to pick it up and continue the knitting. How much can you knit during a 3-hour movie? About 14 cm stockinette stitch on the body, it turns out.
I didn't really need the knitting to avoid boredom at the movie theater. Other times knitting is a necessity. I was at this course today ....
(Title: Pray (High Valyrian) - Matt Bellamy)
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