Jeg har uansett hatt tid til å strikke en haug med sokker. Med en haug mener jeg fire par sokker. De er ikke til meg, men til kollega, tidligere kollega og tidligere studiekompis. Alle strikket i Fabel, tre av dem er helt vanlige glattstrikk og det siste er Trippel, som var mønsteret på den første Sokkedille-sokken.
(Nilsen - Don Martin)
Oslo is so beautiful in sunny fall weather. Ok, I admit that probably most places are beautiful in sunny fall weather. But it's just that I love my town so much. And when I go the movie theater and watch a movie filmed in my town, I get so proud of my town. And a bit irritated that the east side is always put out like a bad place and a lot of negativity. There are so many great people in the east. There are lots of great places, nature, polite youth, hardworking youth. Don't tell me different! We even have the world's biggest lamp. Ok, I have no idea what the meaning of the lamp is supposed to be, but east is a great place. There, done, and my pride of my hometown is done.
I have had time to finish a pile of socks lately. A pile meaning four pairs of socks. Not for me, but a colleague, a former colleague and a study pal. All are knitted in Fabel from Drops, three of them are plain Vanilla socks and the last is the first pattern from Sokkedilla, a kal.
(Nilsen - Don Martin)
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