Også oppdaget Monstermønster og jeg at det er nok ikke helt tilfeldig hvilket fargevalg vi tar når vi strikker, nei. Luemønsteret er Saudade av Ysolda Teague. Min lue er strikket i en blanding av restegarn jeg fant i lageret. Monstermønster sin lue er et kit kjøpt i Edinburgh.
(Tittel: I Feel Love - Sam Smith)
Sunday walk - a tradition which is slightly different now than when I was a kid. When I was a kid Sunday walk meant a hike in the woods or a walk around the neighborhood, which I didn't like, since it felt like it was only an excuse to drag me away from my books or coloring books and outside. Now I choose the content of Sunday walk myself. This Sunday it meant Monstermønster came and got me, and we drove to the popup store to Strikkezilla. We met another very good friend in the store. We cuddled a bit with yarn, shopped some yarn, knitted a bit, talked a lot and took some photos. A Sunday walk I could get behind.
And Monstermønster and I discovered; there are no coincidences when you choose colors for a knitting project. The pattern is Saudade by Ysolda Teague. My hat is knitted using a lot of different yarn from my stash. Monstermønster's hat is a kit bought in Edinburgh.
(Title: I Feel Love - Sam Smith)