Another contribution to Indie Design Gift Along 2015, Alice's Capelet. I dug real deep in my stash and found some yarn I bought around four-five years ago at Hifa yarn fabric, Troll. Of course the idea was to knit something else, but that never happened. I'm happy the way this one turned out, and I think this one will be nice to wear at work, since my work has different temperatures in the different rooms. And the bonus is that I managed to use 377 g from my yarn stash. I fear my yarn stash has gotten a bit bigger during this year. Still trying to stash it at Ravelry, but I have to admit that knitting from it is a lot more fun than taking picture of it and stashing it. But hopefully some time in January I'll have stashed all of it.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Heart Capelet
Nok et prosjekt til Indie Design Gift Along 2015, Alice's Capelet. Gravde ganske så dypt i lageret mitt for å finne garn til dette prosjektet. Fant Troll fra Hifa, og det ble kjøpt inn på det første strikketreffet i Bergen en gang for 4-5 år siden. Husker at jeg kjøpte det inn for å strikke en eller annen jakke som skulle være vid og med noe flettemønster bakpå ryggen. Etter at anitakvz hadde prøvd flere ganger å legge opp til det, men endt opp med noe hun kalte rokkering, så ga hun opp. Det gjorde selvfølgelig sitt til at jeg aldri startet. Veldig greit å få brukt 377 g av det garnet nå. Denne blir nok kjekk å ha på jobb, for det er så store temperaturforskjeller på jobb. Jeg prøver fortsatt å stashe garnet mitt på Ravelry, men jeg må innrømme at det er mye morsommere å strikke av det enn å stashe det. Jeg håper på at i løpet av januar har jeg stashet alt på Ravelry. Og det er jo ikke før til neste år.
Another contribution to Indie Design Gift Along 2015, Alice's Capelet. I dug real deep in my stash and found some yarn I bought around four-five years ago at Hifa yarn fabric, Troll. Of course the idea was to knit something else, but that never happened. I'm happy the way this one turned out, and I think this one will be nice to wear at work, since my work has different temperatures in the different rooms. And the bonus is that I managed to use 377 g from my yarn stash. I fear my yarn stash has gotten a bit bigger during this year. Still trying to stash it at Ravelry, but I have to admit that knitting from it is a lot more fun than taking picture of it and stashing it. But hopefully some time in January I'll have stashed all of it.
Another contribution to Indie Design Gift Along 2015, Alice's Capelet. I dug real deep in my stash and found some yarn I bought around four-five years ago at Hifa yarn fabric, Troll. Of course the idea was to knit something else, but that never happened. I'm happy the way this one turned out, and I think this one will be nice to wear at work, since my work has different temperatures in the different rooms. And the bonus is that I managed to use 377 g from my yarn stash. I fear my yarn stash has gotten a bit bigger during this year. Still trying to stash it at Ravelry, but I have to admit that knitting from it is a lot more fun than taking picture of it and stashing it. But hopefully some time in January I'll have stashed all of it.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Indie Design Gift Along 2015
Som i fjor på denne tida har jeg bestemt meg for å delta i Indie Design Gift Along på Ravelry. I fjor fikk jeg kun strikket et par votter, siden jeg holdt på en haug med andre prosjekter. I år har jeg mer tid, innbiller jeg meg da. Dessuten passer det veldig bra, siden jeg holder på å få garnlageret mitt inn på Ravelry. Jeg finner så utrolig mye garn som passer til en haug med oppskrifter på Ravelry. Jeg har kjøpt en haug med mønstre, og har lyst til å legge opp til omtrent dobbelt så mange prosjekter som jeg har kjøpt mønstre til. Indie Design Gift Along er en along hvor en haug med designere melder seg på, og de selger et utvalg av mønstrene sine til 25% rabatt mellom 19. november og 27.november. Som deltaker kan du strikke prosjektene mellom 19.november og 31.desember. Jeg har foreløpig strikket et par votter, First Snow Mittens. Jeg har brukt alpakka-garn fra Drops Garnstudio og Du Store Alpakka på pinne 2,5 mm. Mønsteret var godt skrevet, lett å følge og ganske kjapt å strikke. Neste mønster er Alice's Capelet. Lurer du på hvordan det går med garnstashinga på Ravelry? Tja, jeg har garn, det står der det, du kan kalle det stash =garnstash. Jeg holder bare ikke på å gjøre noe særlig med det akkurat nå, men jeg strikker jo med garn fra lageret, så egentlig gjør jeg jobben min lettere slik at det blir mindre garn å stashe på Ravelry.
As last year at this time, I decided to join in the Indie Design Gift Along at Ravelry. Last year I only finished a pair of mittens, since I was too busy knitting other planned projects. This year I have more time, and since I'm diving into my stash putting it up on Ravelry, I have about two dousins of ideas of what to knit. I bought a lot of patterns, and I want to cast on twice the number I have patterns for. The Indie Design Gift Along means a lot of designers sign up and they sell a selection of their pattern with 25% discount between 19th of November until 27th of November. If you participate, you can knit your projects between 19th of November until 31 of December. So far I finished a pair of mittens, First Snow Mittens. I used alpaca yarn from Drops Garnstudio and Du Store Alpakka on needles 2,5 mm. The pattern was easy to follow and quite a quick knit as well. Next up is Alice's Capelet. If you wonder how my yarnstashing is working out, well, the yarn is there, it's my stash =yarnstash. I just don't do anything with it righ now, or actually I'm knitting using yarn from my stash, which means it will be less yarn to stash on Ravelry, right?
Friday, November 20, 2015
Yarnstashing on Ravelry
Ravelry et velkjent nettsted for strikkere og heklere. Det er en stor database med haugevis av mønstre, og det geniale er at du kan sjekke ut samme mønster i forskjellige garntyper, farger og størrelser. Det negative er at du tror du skal inn og sjekke et mønster, toppen to minutter, åtte timer senere og uten et mønster, men 30 nye mønstre er du fortsatt ikke klar til det du gikk inn for å sjekk. Ravelry har også en funksjon jeg ikke har brukt, nemlig muligheten til å lagre alt garnet ditt. Hvorfor vil du ha garnet ditt lagret på Ravelry? Det tar lang tid å legge det inn, siden du legger inn for hver garntype og for hver farge. La oss være ærlige, for noen av oss kommer det til å ta noen uker å legge inn alt garnet. Men så får du en ekstremt flott oversikt over garnet ditt, i tillegg til at du får opp garnforslag fra lageret ditt når du ser på oppskrifter. Du kan også importere garnlageret ditt til Excel, og da begynner vi å snakke. Dette betyr at du kan føre regnskap over det du strikker opp, kjøper og bruker. For en i overkant garnnerd og listefreak som meg, lokker dette veldig. Det ble snakk om å stashe garnlageret på Ravelry i en av gruppene jeg er med der. Jeg startet med å ta ut en kasse garn fra lageret. Alt greit. Fram med vekta, mobil og Mac. Her skal det føres og stashes. Tar bilde av fire typer garn og legger inn på Ravelry. Hmmm... den siste garntypen der, den var jo veldig myk og fin da. Så ikke jeg en genser som kunne passe??? Jo, der var mønsteret. Fram med hespetre og nøstemaskin. Og dermed var jeg godt plassert i sofaen med en ny genser på strikkepinnene. Garnlageret? Joda, jeg skal stashe det. Akkurat nå står kassa med garn fortsatt på stuegulvet og 8 hesper med garn ligger på gulvet ved siden av. Det var det garnet jeg rakk å stashe. Jeg tror det kan komme til å ta litt tid å få alt garnlageret inn på Ravelry.
Ravelry is a well known internett society for knitters and crocheters. It's a huge data base with lots of patterns, and the genial thing is the ability to check out patterns knitted up in different types of yarn, colors and sizes. The negative thing is when you plan to use two minutes to check out a pattern, and eight hours later and without the pattern you planned on checking out, but with 30 new patterns you still don't have a clue about what you really went in to check. Ravely also have a function I haven't used, the possibility to stash your yarn. Why would you stash your yarn at Ravelry? It takes like forever to stash it there, since you put in each type of yarn and each color. Let's be honest, for some of us it's going to take a few weeks to stash it. But then once you stashed it, you get suggestions for yarn from your stash when you look at patterns. You are also able to import your stash to Excel, and now we're cooking. This means you can account for all the yarn you use, knit up and buy. I'm a yarn geek and a list geek, so I am really tempted. Somebody talked about stashing in one of the groups at Ravelry I'm in. So I give in, and I take out one box of yarn from my stash. Everything's ok. Find the weight, my cell phone and the Mac. Now I'm going for pictures and stashing. I take pictures and stash four different types of yarn. Hmmmm... the last yarn is really soft and is looking so good. Didn't I see a sweater pattern just perfect for the yarn? Let me check. It is the perfect pattern. Have to find the yarnwinder. And then with my ass back on the coach, I have just casted on another project. The box is still on the floor with 8 skeins of yarn on the floor next to it. That was all the yarn I stashed. I think it's going to take some time to stash all my yarn at Ravelry.
Ravelry is a well known internett society for knitters and crocheters. It's a huge data base with lots of patterns, and the genial thing is the ability to check out patterns knitted up in different types of yarn, colors and sizes. The negative thing is when you plan to use two minutes to check out a pattern, and eight hours later and without the pattern you planned on checking out, but with 30 new patterns you still don't have a clue about what you really went in to check. Ravely also have a function I haven't used, the possibility to stash your yarn. Why would you stash your yarn at Ravelry? It takes like forever to stash it there, since you put in each type of yarn and each color. Let's be honest, for some of us it's going to take a few weeks to stash it. But then once you stashed it, you get suggestions for yarn from your stash when you look at patterns. You are also able to import your stash to Excel, and now we're cooking. This means you can account for all the yarn you use, knit up and buy. I'm a yarn geek and a list geek, so I am really tempted. Somebody talked about stashing in one of the groups at Ravelry I'm in. So I give in, and I take out one box of yarn from my stash. Everything's ok. Find the weight, my cell phone and the Mac. Now I'm going for pictures and stashing. I take pictures and stash four different types of yarn. Hmmmm... the last yarn is really soft and is looking so good. Didn't I see a sweater pattern just perfect for the yarn? Let me check. It is the perfect pattern. Have to find the yarnwinder. And then with my ass back on the coach, I have just casted on another project. The box is still on the floor with 8 skeins of yarn on the floor next to it. That was all the yarn I stashed. I think it's going to take some time to stash all my yarn at Ravelry.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Lille venn
Denne har jeg holdt på en god stund, og egentlig en god stund lengre enn jeg trodde. Det tar litt tid å strikke mye og langt på pinne 3 mm. Dåpskjolen ble i alle fall ferdig i tide til dåpen. Oppskriften er laget av Marthe Helgetun, og hun har brukt et belte fra sin egen brudekjole. Siden denne kjolen er strikket til en kollega, og hun ikke hadde belte fra brudekjolen sin, måtte jeg ut på leting. Fant et belte tiltenkt en brudekjole på en brudebutikk i Oslo. Prisen var alt annet enn liten, men mottaker av kjolen ville gjerne ha beltet. Det ble veldig fint, om jeg skal si det selv. Det er noe med dette designet, det krever et iøyenfallende belte, ellers tror jeg kjolen ville blitt ganske så anonym og kjedelig. Selve kjolen har et bærestykke i perlestrikk og skjørtet er i glattstrikk. Ingenting fancy med andre ord. Jeg har brukt knapper fra Snella og Petronella, for de er så søte og så er de laget av en lokal butikk. Sånt har jeg litt sansen for, som mange andre. Garnet er Drops Baby Alpaca Silk. Selve kjolen veier 366 g, og lua som jeg strikket til, veier 34 g. Jeg brukte silkebåndene fra beltet til bånd på lua. Håper at dåpen nå er vel gjennomført og at kjolen og lua passet dåpsbarnet.
This is a Christening dress for one I'm working with. I used Drops Baby Alpaca Silk on needles 3 mm. The belt is bought in a wedding store to a larger prize than I expectet. The buttons are from Snella & Petronella. The dress weighs 335 g and the hat weighs 34 g.
This is a Christening dress for one I'm working with. I used Drops Baby Alpaca Silk on needles 3 mm. The belt is bought in a wedding store to a larger prize than I expectet. The buttons are from Snella & Petronella. The dress weighs 335 g and the hat weighs 34 g.
Thursday, November 05, 2015
Knit Night at the Loop London
Forrige uke var jeg en tur i London. Til min store overraskelse hadde Loop London knit night på torsdager, noe som passet bra siden jeg befant meg i nærheten den dagen. Jeg kom litt tidligere, siden jeg ville ha tid til å shoppe litt før knit night. Ingen fare for det, siden butikken er full av fristelser. Jeg har ingen planer for garnet jeg kjøpte, men med så fint garn må det bli noe fint. Knit night var i andre etasje i butikken, og utover kvelden ble det ganske så fullt. Det var utrolig koselig! Strikkere er hyggelige folk. Det var veldig lett å komme inn i samtalen, og jeg føler at jeg ble litt kjent med alle som var der. Det er også noe med stemningen å ha knit night i en garnbutikk. Jeg har planer om en tur til London på nyåret, og jeg håper virkelig at jeg får mulighet til å stikke innom Loop London på knit night igjen.
Last week I was in London. To my surprise Loop London had knit night on Thursdays, a good day, since I was in London on Thursday. I showed up a bit early, since I wanted some time to shop before knit night. Loop London is full of temptations, so much lovely yarn. I could have ended up with a lot more than I did, but I think I ended up with more than enough. I don't have any plans for the yarn I bought, but it's lovely and I guess whatever I knit would be lovely. Knit night was on first floor and it's something about having a knit night in a yarn store. It sets the moods, you can say. Knitters are such lovely people, if you ever were in doubt. They welcomed me and it was easy to take part in the conversation. I felt I got to know everybody a bit. I have plans returning to London after New Year, and I hope to pop by knit night again.
Last week I was in London. To my surprise Loop London had knit night on Thursdays, a good day, since I was in London on Thursday. I showed up a bit early, since I wanted some time to shop before knit night. Loop London is full of temptations, so much lovely yarn. I could have ended up with a lot more than I did, but I think I ended up with more than enough. I don't have any plans for the yarn I bought, but it's lovely and I guess whatever I knit would be lovely. Knit night was on first floor and it's something about having a knit night in a yarn store. It sets the moods, you can say. Knitters are such lovely people, if you ever were in doubt. They welcomed me and it was easy to take part in the conversation. I felt I got to know everybody a bit. I have plans returning to London after New Year, and I hope to pop by knit night again.
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