Finally I have managed to knit two pairs of mittens, both left and right mitten. Hurray for me! I have to admit that I had to knit the brown ones for my son, twice. I had as usual knitted two righties! The purple ones on the other hand, I actually managed to knit without knitting one mitten twice. New record! The mittens are inspired by these from Drops. I have knitted in childrens size and have used alpaca from Garnstudio. The children loved them and thought they were soft. I could use a pair for me as well. Just have to buy more alpaca yarn.
gratulere. kjempefine votter, og der jo greit med en venster og en høyre, har noen flere venstrevotter en høyre liggende her jeg også *ler godt*
Very nice mittens! I wish I were accomplishing as much in my knitting.
Your Secret Pal
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